We keep your data 100% secure

Maintaining the security and confidentiality of your project-related data is our top priority.

Trusted by thousands of companies

GoldFynch is trusted by hundreds of lawyers and paralegals worldwide to manage their case files and ediscovery review. We have never encountered a security breach or loss of customer files. We pursue the highest professional standards to ensure your data is always safe.

Security of your data is our top priority

Secure access over HTTPS (SSL) is provided with all GoldFynch domains. Only certain members of the GoldFynch team have direct access to the live database and all access is logged. Our data-centers have passed the SSAE16 audit. For information about security on our Enterprise Plan please contact us.

User authentication

All GoldFynch accounts are password protected (pretty standard). All user passwords are stored in the database only after being passed through a one-way hash-and-salt technique (a standard practice for high security).

It's your data. We respect your privacy.

Every bit of information you store with us is owned by you. We won't copy, share, or modify your data. We will never even access your data without your consent. When you delete your data, we will completely erase it (including backups) from our servers after a period of 30 days.(contact us if you want it erased sooner).

Trusted by law firms around the world

Because security is always GoldFynch's top priority.